I cherish routine. Inadvertently, I've become a true creature of habit. Because of circumstance, my routines change daily, but I carve out a bit of ritual or habitual compulsiveness in each and every day.....which always starts with a strong cup of coffee (frothed whole milk, no sugar), usually ends with a glass of wine (red, spicy, full-bodied) and always a family dinner. Studio time is carved out in between a lot of driving. Some quick peeks into the thrift stores are sneaked in along the way, as well as a second cup of coffee. There's some list-making going on in there followed by a lot rationalized procrastination.
This blog is a great read for all of us who recognize the structure (obvious or not-so-obvious) that our habits provide.
Thanks to
52 Projects, who always has such great links. (I'm resisting an obvious pun, here)